Thirty-Day Ignatian Retreat
Holy Week audio presentations
To meditate on the Lord’s Passion with the help of our beloved founder Servant of God Father John A. Hardon, S.J., scroll down to the audios listed for Retreat Days 22 through 25.
Thirty-Day Ignatian Retreat
The Marian Catechist Apostolate’s thirty-day at home Ignatian retreat is part of the spiritual formation of those seeking Consecration as Marian Catechists. It is organized out of the International Office and made at home with the assistance of our Spiritual Directors. Members of the Apostolate who have finished Father Hardon’s Revised Basic Course and would like to be placed on the waiting list for the retreat may call the office at (608) 782-0011 or email us.
Articles used in 30-day retreat Manual
The following articles are from the Marian Catechist Apostolate’s Retreat Manual and are given in one document here for your convenience.
- General and Particular Examens by Father John A. Hardon, S.J.
- Examination of Conscience on the Theological Virtues by Father John A. Hardon, S.J.
- Discernment of Spirits articles by Father Hardon:
- The Gift of Discernment here as separate document.
- The Evil Spirit in Conflict with Christ and His Followers here as a separate document.
- Discernment of Spirits here as a separate document.
- Appendix articles:
- Prayer and Divine Reading (Lectio divina) by Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
- What is Spiritual Reading by Father John A. Hardon, S.J.
- Lord, Teach Us to Pray by Father John A. Hardon, S.J.
- The Our Father by Father John A. Hardon, S.J.
- The Hail Mary by Saint Louis De Montfort
- Recommendations for those completing the Exercises by Father John Morris, S.J.
Optional audio presentations for those currently making the 30-day retreat.
The audio recordings of Father John A. Hardon, S.J. are given here according to the day of the 30-day retreat. All are optional, none are required for the retreat.
If you desire, listen to days 0, 1, 9, 10, 13, 15 and 19 before the retreat starts. You may listen to all of the presentations before the retreat but some make more sense when heard during the days of the retreat.
“Series” in the title refers to where the presentations are found in the audio listings on the Real Presence website: All recordings are copyright of Inter Mirifica. Used here with permission.
Optional Audios in Preparation for Retreat
Day 0 Preparation Series40 (53:34)
Day 01 Providence of God Series30 (56:23) (Transcription of presentation.)
Day 02 Aspirations-Cultivating the Presence of God/Overcoming Resentments Series102 (56:06)
Day 03 Why Make a Retreat Series49 (32:27) Part One
Day 03 Why Make a Retreat Part Two (6:06)
Day 04 Principle and Foundation of the Spiritual Exercises
Day 0 Love of God Series49 (Transcription of presentation.)
Day 0 Temptation/Inspiration Series102 (48:26)
Day 0 Consolation Series102 (29:38)
Optional Audios for Specific Days of the Retreat
Day 1 Principle and Foundation Series49 (43:49)
Day 2 02 Sin Series40 (55:46)
Day 3 Self Knowledge/Sinner Series49 (42:08)
Day 6 Annunciation Series125 (54:01)
Day 6 Incarnation Series40 (25:15)
Day 6 Visitation Series125 (1:19:52)
Day 7 Bethlehem Simple Faith Series128 (7:00)
Day 7 Bethlehem Providence Series43 (25:31)
Day 7 Birth of Jesus Series125 (36:20)
Day 7 Incarnation Series40 (30:24)
Day 8-12 Each Meditation Hour Series50 (36:23)
Day 8 A Presentation Series125 (52:26)
Day 8 Finding Jesus Series125 (55:42)
Day 9 Discernment of Spirits Series48 (35:35) (Transcription of presentation.)
Day 9 How to Distinguish Temptations from Inspirations Series102
Day 9 Gift/Discernment Series92 (57:17) (Transcription of presentation.)
Day 9 The Evil Spirit in Conflict with Christ and His Followers Series48 Part One; (Transcription of presentation.)
Day 9 The Evil Spirit in Conflict Part Two
Day 10 Inordinate Attachments Series91 (44:01) (Transcription of presentation.)
Day 10 Generosity Series49 (43:09)
Day 10 Generous Toward God Series91 (57:28)
Day 10 Who Is Rich? Series129 (12:46)
Day 11 Evil Spirit Temptation Series48 (41:42)
Day 13 Beatitudes 1-4 Series40 (36:57)
Day 13 Beatitudes 5-7 Series40 (52:07)
Day 13 Beatitude 8 Series40 (58:17)
Day 13 Beatitude Series92 (49:08)
Day 13 Parables Series98 (44:34)
Day 15 Each Meditation Hour Series50 (24:49)
Day 15 Lord’s Prayer/Petitions Series124 (45:51)
Day 15 Lord’s Prayer Series48 (40:19)
Day 16 Lord’s Prayer/Necessity Series124 (48:22)
Day 16 Each Meditation Hour Series50 (21:18)
Day 17 Each Meditation Hour Series50 (27:03)
Day 18 Each Meditation Hour Series50 (10:48)
Day 19 Decision Making Series49 (49:29)
Day 19 Each Meditation Hour-Short Series50 (8:56)
Day 19 Humility of Heart Series133 (37:31)
Day 19 Making Resolutions Series43 (27:12)
Day 19 Practice Humility Series131 (18:10)
Day 19 Resolutions Series129 (35:50)
Day 21 Live The Mass Series133 (43:15)
Day 21 Mass Series49 (44:23)
Day 21 Real Presence Series49 (42:16)
Day 21 Why the Eucharist? Series123 (42:17)
Day 22 Agony in the Garden Series125 (40:49)
Day 23 Christ’s Love and Passion Series48 (19:44)
Day 24 00 Scourging Series125 (40:15)
Day 24 00 Crowning with Thorns Series125 (53:11)
Day 24 01 Carrying the Cross Series125 (39:33)
Day 24 02 Crucifixion and Death Series125 (46:40)
Day 24 03 Passion of Christ Series48 (35:07)
Day 25 Resurrection Series40 (51:54)
Day 25 Resurrection Series48 (38:32)
Day 25 Resurrection Series125 (1:15)
Day 26 27 Primacy of Peter Series49 (49:05)
Day 28 Ascension Series125 (49:58)
Day 28 Meaning of Heaven Series40 (28:16)
Day 28 Promise of Heaven Series48 (44:16)
Day 29 Grow In Love Series91 (49:42)
Day 30 Growth In Love Series40 (37:52)
Day 30 Methods of Prayer Series51 (33:35)
If you have listened to other presentations by Father Hardon that would be helpful to retreatants, please contact us with your suggestions.
Revised 2-22-2020
Optional Reading of ALL MY LIBERTY by Father John A. Hardon, S.J.
Recommended for advanced retreatants.
Table of Contents and Introduction
Chapter 1-Principle and Foundation of the Spiritual Life
Chapter 2-Estrangement from God
Chapter 3-The Call of Christ the King
Chapter 4-The Standards of Christ and Lucifer
Chapter 5-Three Classes of Men
Chapter 6-Modes of Humility
Chapter 7-The Retreat Election
Chapter 8-Contemplation for Obtaining Love
Chapter 9-On Examining One’s Conscience
Chapter 10-Vocal and Mental Prayer
Chapter 11-Mysteries of the Life of Christ
Chapter 12-Discernment of Spirits
Chapter 13-Norms of Catholic Orthodoxy
Appendix 1-Selections from the Text of the Exercises
Appendix 2-Apostolic Constitution of Pius XI Declaring St. Ignatius Patron of All Spiritual Exercises