Pocket Catholic Catechism Updates last updated November 14, 2019. PDF of changes listed below.

Page 135, 2nd paragraph
Add the following clarification to the end of the 2nd paragraph, it should follow this sentence, “Previously Canon Law offered a third option, by sprinkling (Canon 854).”

ADD: “Sprinkling, also called aspersion, is valid but not licit, provided the drops of water flow a bit once they touch the person being baptized. Sometimes it is not certain that the water flows; hence, to avoid all possibility of doubt about validity, the Church now holds aspersion to be valid, but illicit, and to be used only in rare emergencies.”

Page 156, last paragraph
Change the Scripture citation to “(cf. John 6:54).”

The first sentence should read:
“On Christ’s own promise, Holy Communion is a pledge of heavenly glory and of our bodily resurrection from the dead (cf. John 6:55).”

Page 189, top sentence
Delete “Since the subdiaconate was not a sacrament, Paul VI suppressed the subdiaconate in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church.”

Replace with: “Today, the subdiaconate, which was never considered a Sacrament, may be received in the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life which are under the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, and in those which use the liturgical books of the forma extraordinaria.”

Page 193, 2nd paragraph
Change the words, “The only” to the word “One.”
Original text:  “The only condition, therefore, for a marriage to be a sacrament is…..”
Sentence should read:
One condition, therefore, for a marriage to be a sacrament is that both husband and wife are baptized at the time they marry.”


Page 228. Insert the following underlined words: 
Sacrifice. The highest form of the prayer of adoration is sacrifice. This is the willing surrender of something precious to God. As with adoration, there are two basic forms of sacrifice. There is the sacrifice of submission. Here we give up some creature that we like in order to express our total dependence on God’s will.

Page 285, first and second bullets
The definitions for theft and stealing are reversed.
In the first bullet: change the first word, “Theft,” to the word “Stealing.”
In the second bullet: change the first word, “Stealing,” to the word “Theft.” And change the third word, “theft,” to the word “stealing.”
Bullets should read:

  • Stealing” is the most general term for taking what belongs to someone else, without the owner’s consent.
  • Theft” is stealing but implies that something is taken secretly and not only without the owner’s permission, but without his knowledge.