Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well as these; this is not an exhaustive list of the resources needed to answer the questions.

Father Hardon’s Catholic Catechism

Page 32, paragraphs 1,2,5
Page 33, paragraphs 2-7
Page 35, paragraphs 3-4
Pages 108-125 (Jesus Christ in the New Testament)
Pages 125-141 (Jesus Christ, Testimony of the Church: Consubstantial, Hypostatic Union, True God True Man)
Page 140, paragraphs 1-2
Pages 142-149 (Adoration of Christ’s Humanity, Jansenist Attitude and the Historical Jesus)
Page 158
Page 210-211
Page 265, paragraph 6
Page 431-432
Page 466, paragraphs 3-5

Father Hardon’s Question and Answer Catechism

#194-225 (2nd Article, Jesus Christ, His only Son)
#203, 206, 209-210

Revised Basic Course Manual

Page 13 (The Holy Trinity)
Pages 22-24 (The Second Article)
Page 31
Page 143, paragraphs 4-5


1 Peter 2:21-24
2 Corinthians 5:21
Acts 1:9-11; 9:4-5
Colossians 1:24
Daniel 7:14
Ephesians 1:19-21; 2:4-7
Hebrews 10:8-10
 8:46-47; 10:33; 14:9; 19:30; 20:30-31
Luke 24:25-26
Philippians 3:10-11


Catechism of the Catholic Church

#464, #466-467, #469-470 (True God and True Man)
#472-474 (Christ’s soul and His human knowledge)
#475 (Christ’s human will)
#480-483 (True God and true man)

Modern Catholic Dictionary Vocabulary –

Review the following terms in your Modern Catholic Dictionary reference book (or online version at – go to the bottom of the page, click on “Dictionary”).

Listed in Advanced Course Manual:
Ecumenical Councils
Hypostatic Union
Imitation of Christ
Person (See also Lesson 5, Supplemental Vocabulary)
Sacred Heart
Son of God

See also: 
Faith, Virtue of
Impeccability of Christ
Mystical Body
Original Sin
Restored Nature
Resurrection of Christ

Dr. Fisher’s A Catechetical Dictionary for the CCC

Review the following terms for a clearer understanding of the terms.

Beatific Vision
Council of Ephesus
Faith as a Theological Virtue
Hypostatic union
Nestorian Heresy

The Treasury of Catholic Wisdom

by Father John A. Hardon, S.J., Saint Thomas Aquinas’ Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed, Second Article, pp. 262-265.

Father Hardon’s Pocket Catholic Catechism

Page 65, paragraph 4
Page 100, paragraph 3
Page 101, paragraph 1
Page 104, paragraph 1
Page 149, paragraphs 2-6
Page 150, paragraphs 1-2
Page 152-153

Supplemental Vocabulary:

Read the following terms in the Supplemental Vocabulary Definitions.

Human Being (Man)

Second Vatican Council:

Pastoral Constitution On The Church In The Modern World (Gaudium Et Spes) Pope Paul VI, December 7, 1965, #22. (One of four constitutions from the Second Vatican Council.)


On Reparation to the Sacred Heart (Miserentissimus Redemptor) Pope Pius XI, encyclical promulgated 8 May 1928, #14.

“[T]he expiatory passion of Christ is renewed and in a manner continued and fulfilled in His mystical body, which is the Church. For, to use once more the words of St. Augustine, ‘Christ suffered whatever it behoved Him to suffer; now nothing is wanting of the measure of the sufferings. Therefore the sufferings were fulfilled, but in the head; there were yet remaining the sufferings of Christ in His body’ (In Psalm lxxxvi). This, indeed, Our Lord Jesus Himself vouchsafed to explain when, speaking to Saul, ‘as yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter’ (Acts ix, 1), He said, ‘I am Jesus whom thou persecutest’ (Acts ix, 5), clearly signifying that when persecutions are stirred up against the Church, the Divine Head of the Church is Himself attacked and troubled. Rightly, therefore, does Christ, still suffering in His mystical body, desire to have us partakers of His expiation, and this is also demanded by our intimate union with Him, for since we are ‘the body of Christ and members of member’ (1 Corinthians xii, 27), whatever the head suffers, all the members must suffer with it (Cf. 1 Corinthians xii, 26)” (#14).

The Real article:  

Christ the Miracle Worker in the Eucharist” by Father John A. Hardon, S.J.