Advanced Lesson Resources
LESSON 36 —How To Live The Lord's Prayer
Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well as these; this is not an exhaustive list of the resources needed to...
LESSON 35 —The Necessity of Prayer
Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well as these; this is not an exhaustive list of the resources needed to...
LESSON 34 —Eighth Commandment
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well as these;...
LESSON 33 —Seventh and Tenth Commandments
You shall not steal.You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well as...
LESSON 32 —Sixth and Ninth Commandments
You shall not commit adultery.You shall not covert your neighbor’s wife. Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well...
LESSON 31 —Fifth Commandment
You shall not kill. Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well as these; this is not an exhaustive list of...
LESSON 30—Fourth Commandment
Honor your father and your mother. Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well as these; this is not an exhaustive...
LESSON 29 —Third Commandment
Luke 6:31Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well as these; this...
LESSON 28 —Second Commandment
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places...
LESSON 27 —First Commandment
I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange gods before Me. The following “Updates” effect this lesson: Advanced Course Manual, pp. 180-181, insert the following underlined words and delete...
LESSON 26 —The Ten Commandments and the Eight Beatitudes
Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well as these; this is not an exhaustive list of the resources needed to...
LESSON 25 —The Ten Commandments: Christ, the Fulfillment of the Old Law
Read the following references to further clarify the central ideas of this lesson. Look in other places as well as these; this is not an exhaustive list of the resources needed to...