Natural Intercourse

Natural intercourse means a conjugal act which is suitable in itself for the procreation of offspring.  Though all contraceptive measures, including chemical and physical barriers, are intrinsically evil, the use...

Mystery, Understand and Comprehend

At this point, it would be a good idea to clearly distinguish how Catholic theology understands three closely related words from the way they are used in everyday conversation. The...

Mary's Sinlessness

Member Question: I am a Consecrated Marian Catechist and in need of your assistance in clarifying Church teaching about Our Blessed Mother Mary’s sinlessness. Many disagree that Mary “could not”...

Liturgy of Heaven

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated on earth re-presents Calvary by continuing Christ’s perfect Sacrifice. In the Mass, no less than on Calvary, Jesus really offers His life to...

Human Being (Man)

In speaking about Jesus Christ assuming a human nature, Father Hardon uses the term “human being” for “man.” Some people associate the word “human being,” with “human person” and mistakenly...


Catechists will study and understand the validity needed in the administration of the Sacraments. The validity of a Sacrament makes all the difference in whether we truly received the Sacrament...

Dogmas and Doctrines

The Roman Catholic Church is the one true Church, founded by Christ. Christ revealed all the truths that we need to believe in order to be saved and He divinely...

Eastern Churches

The Eastern Churches are those that are rooted in the foundation of the Churches that existed eastof the Catholic Church of Rome in the beginning of Christianity. “Eastern Church” is a...

Dimissorial Letters for Ordination

The expression “dimissorial letters” means “documentary authorization.” Dimissorial letters are used for candidates who are seeking ordination to the priesthood; they are used for members of Religious Institutes or candidates who...

Consciousness of the Human Soul at the Moment of Death

Member Question: I am working on the Advanced Course – In Lesson Eleven on the Last Judgement there was a true/false question #9 “The human soul is fully conscious when it leaves...

Concelebration of Mass

Since the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, the Church permits the concelebration of the Holy Mass under certain conditions. For instance, priests are permitted to concelebrate with the Bishop on the...

Celibacy of the Priest

The Second Vatican Council reaffirmed the centuries old requirement of celibacy for priests and Bishops in the Latin Rite. In its document, On the Ministry and Life of Priests, the Second Vatican...