Questions for the CGDC
Instructions for Answering the Questions
First, read Cardinal Burke’s Commentary on the General Directory for Catechesis.
Second, copy all 98 questions, with their headings, and paste them into any word processor, such as Microsoft Word. Download Word Document with the questions here. Type your name, address and phone number at the top of the first page.
Third, type your answer to each question below that question. The answer can be just a few words, or several lines.
Fourth, when you have answered all 98 questions, print the questions and answers. Staple the pages together and mail or e-mail them to the International Office.
The questions start here:
Origin, Purpose and Goal of the Directory (Nos. 1-13)
1. What mandate of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council does the General Directory for Catechesis fulfill?
2. What are the two most important Papal documents on catechesis (apart from the Catechism of the Catholic Church) published since the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council?
3. What are the two needs in catechesis today which make the publication of the General Directory for Catechesis so timely?
4. What is the purpose of the General Directory for Catechesis?
5. To whom is the General Directory for Catechesis directed?
Teaching the Faith in Today’s World (14-23)
6. What are the three essential elements of the Church’s view of the world?
7. At what, above all, does the Church’s view of the world aim in carrying out the apostolate of catechesis?
8. Why is it important that the popular view of the world be confronted by the Church’s view of the world?
9. What are some of the religious and moral factors in our culture which hinder catechesis?
Strengths and Weaknesses of Our Catechesis (24-33)
10. What is the only way to overcome the negative effects of our culture on Christian life and catechesis?
11. What are the positive results of the reception of the teaching of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council?
12. What is the usual cause of the negative impact of the reception of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council?
13. What is the primary task of catechesis in our time?
Overview of the Directory and Divine Revelation (34-45)
14. What is Divine Revelation?
15. How are God’s saving words and deeds related to each other?
16. What is evangelization?
17. What is the relationship of the Church to Divine Revelation?
18. How is the authenticity of the conservation and transmission of Divine Revelation guaranteed?
Catechesis and Evangelization (46-59)
19. What are the means by which evangelization is carried out?
20. What are the three moments of the dynamic process of evangelization?
21. What are the principal functions of the ministry of the Word of God in the dynamic process of evangelization?
22. What are the four moments of the process of conversion as the response to evangelization?
23. What socio-religious situation calls for a new evangelization?
24. What does it mean to say that the catechesis of adults must be considered “the chief form of catechesis?”
Catechesis and the Other Elements of Evangelization (60-76)
25. How is catechesis complementary to the primary proclamation of the Gospel?
26. What is the purpose of pre-catechesis?
27. What are the three characteristics of the catechesis of the unbaptized in preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation?
28. What are the other forms of continuing catechesis in addition to the homily at Mass?
29. What is distinctive about religious instruction in the Catholic schools?
30. What is the importance of diocesan guidelines regarding education in the faith and its practice?
The Nature, Object and the Tasks of Catechesis (77-91)
31. What is the nature of catechesis?
32. What is the object of catechesis?
33. What tasks must catechesis carry out in order to achieve its object?
34. By what two principal means does catechesis carry out its tasks?
35. How is the baptismal catechumenate an inspiration for carrying out catechesis?
The Source of Catechesis and the Criteria for Presenting Catechesis (92-118)
36. What is the principal source of catechesis?
37. What are the subsidiary sources of catechesis?
38. Why must our Lord Jesus Christ be the center of all catechesis?
39. How does catechesis inculturate the Gospel?
40. How does the catechist respect the integrity of the Gospel in his or her presentation?
The Criteria for Presenting Catechesis: The Content of Catechesis (119-136)
41. What is the most outstanding reference for catechists in carrying out the apostolate of catechesis?
42. How is the General Directory for Catechesis related to the Catechism of the Catholic Church?
43. What purposes does the Catechism of the Catholic Church serve in the Church?
44. What is the structure of the Catechism of the Catholic Church?
45. How does the local catechism manifest the Catholic nature of our faith?
The Art of Teaching the Faith (137-147)
46. What is the norm of all catechesis?
47. How does the pedagogy of the catechist imitate the pedagogy of God?
48. What are the traits of Christ’s teaching as found in the Gospel?
49. What are some of the elements of the wealth of catechetical pedagogy in the Church?
50. What is a brief description of the result of the art of catechesis?
51. How is catechesis fundamental to the apostolate of vocations?
Method in Catechesis (148-162)
52. Which method of catechesis has special importance?
53. What is the inductive or kerygmatic method of catechesis?
54. Why must the deductive method also be used in conjunction with the inductive method in catechesis?
55. How is the catechist to help the catechized view human experience?
56. How does memorization assist the catechized?
57. What does the catechist bring to the method of catechesis?
58. What are the ways in which the catechized participate actively in catechesis?
59. What is the great challenge in the use of the media in catechesis?
Those to Be Catechized (163-175)
60. In what ways do the catechized differ from one another?
61. What is the relationship of the catechesis of all other age groups to the catechesis of adults?
62. What are the various conditions of the adults to be catechized?
63. Why is the faith of adults in need of constant enrichment, development and protection?
64. In addition to the systematic presentation of the entire faith, what re some of the other forms of adult catechesis?
65. What are the factors to be kept in mind in the catechesis of infants and young children?
66. What is the role of the family in catechesis?
Catechesis of Young People and the Aged, and for Special Situations (177-214)
67. In the catechesis of young people, what are the three distinct phases of development to be considered?
68. What does it mean to say that young people must also be viewed as the subjects of catechesis?
69. What are some particular forms of youth catechesis?
70. What must be given special attention in the catechesis of the aged?
71. How does the catechesis of the aged relate to the catechesis of children and young people?
72. What effect does inculturation have on culture?
73. What is the responsibility of the Bishops in carrying out inculturation?
Catechesis in the Particular Church: Those Who Carry Out Catechesis (215-232)
74. How does the particular Church relate to the universal Church?
75. Who is responsible for providing catechesis?
76. What is the effect of catechesis on the Christian community?
77. What charism does the Bishop receive at ordination in order to carry out the teaching of the faith?
78. Why is the ministry of the priest critical to the apostolate of catechesis?
79. What is the role of parents in catechesis?
80. What is the distinct contribution of consecrated persons to catechesis?
81. What is the distinct contribution of the laity to catechesis?
82. What are the different forms of catechesis
Formation of Catechists (233-252)
83. How does the Church provide appropriate pastoral care to catechists?
84. Why must the formation of catechists be given primacy of place?
85. What is the goal of the formation of catechists?
86. What are the three dimensions of the formation of catechists?
87. Why must the philosophical underpinnings of the sciences be clarified for their use in catechesis?
The Places of Catechesis (253-264)
88. Where does catechesis take place?
89. Why is the family the special place of catechesis?
90. Why is the baptismal catechumenate so important?
91. What are the conditions for the parish to carry out its catechetical responsibility?
92. Why is the Catholic school such an important place of catechesis?
93. What are three aspects of catechesis in associations of the faithful?
Organizing Catechesis in the Particular Church (265-285)
94. How does the Bishop chiefly fulfill his responsibility as First Catechist?
95. What two functions does the United States Conference of Bishops fulfill in catechesis?
96. What office of the Roman Curia assists the Holy Father in carrying out his responsibility for catechesis?
97. What two services of coordination are essential on the Diocesan level?
98. What must the Diocesan catechetical office always keep in mind in its service?
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