Course Number Two: 

In conjunction with Father Hardon’s Advanced home study course, the following resources are suggested. We hope you find them helpful and we welcome your suggestions for additional resources.

  1. Check that you have made all the updates or changes in your books-especially the questions in your Workbook and Answer Tablet.

    Please excuse the length of the Advanced Course updates. It is long because a large number of courses were printed in 2005 and these must be used before a new version can be printed. Large numbers save printing costs but delay corrections. As you can understand, small apostolates must be frugal.

  2. Modern Catholic Dictionary online.
  3. Father Hardon articles and audio/video on
  4. Be aware of the translation problems in some resources.
  5. Supplemental Vocabulary Definitions. Read the extra definitions listed below to assist you in answering the questions. The definitions may also be helpful for use with the Basic Course.
  6. Resources to read for each lesson. Listed below the supplemental vocabulary definitions are resources to read according to each lesson. The list is not an exhaustive one, but a place to start your research for the answers to questions. (These lists will be continually updated. Last update: August 2019)



 Absolute Evil

Accidents, material and spiritual physical properties

Can and May

Canon Law

Celibacy of the Priest

Concelebration of Mass

Consciousness of the Human Soul at the Moment of Death

Dimissorial Letters for Ordination

Eastern Churches 

Dogmas and Doctrines


Human Being (Man)

Liturgy of Heaven

Mary's Sinlessness

Mystery, Understand and Comprehend

Natural Intercourse

Necessity of Holy Communion


Physical Properties

Pontifical Mandate

Private Revelations and the Mission of the Marian Catechist Apostolate

Properties or Accidents


Sacraments of Character

Sacraments of Initiation


Valid Mass

Western or Latin Catholic Church


More resources will be periodically added.

LESSON 1 —Conversation with a Catechist

LESSON 2—What is Catechesis?

LESSON 3 —What Does It Mean to Believe?

LESSON 4 —The Apostles' Creed

LESSON 5 —1st Article of the Creed: I Believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth

LESSON 6 —2nd Article of the Creed: Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord

LESSON 7 —3rd Article of the Creed: The Blessed Virgin, Mother of Christ

LESSON 8 —4th Article of the Creed: The Passion of Christ

LESSON 9 —5th Article of the Creed: The Resurrection of Christ

LESSON 10 —6th Article of the Creed: The Ascension of Christ

LESSON 11 —7th Article of the Creed: Christ, Shall Come to Judge the Living and the Dead

LESSON 12 —8th Article of the Creed: I Believe in the Holy Spirit

LESSON 13 —9th Article of the Creed: I Believe in the Holy, Catholic Church and the Communion of Saints

LESSON 14 —10th Article of the Creed: The Forgiveness of Sins

LESSON 15 —11th Article of the Creed: The Resurrection of the Body

LESSON 16 —12th Article of the Creed: Life Everlasting. Amen

LESSON 17 —The Sacraments in General

LESSON 18 —The Sacrament of Baptism

LESSON 19 —The Sacrament of Confirmation

LESSON 20 —The Holy Eucharist

LESSON 21 —The Sacrament of Penance

LESSON 22 —The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

LESSON 23 —The Sacrament of Holy Orders

LESSON 24 —The Sacrament of Matrimony

LESSON 25 —The Ten Commandments: Christ, the Fulfillment of the Old Law

LESSON 26 —The Ten Commandments and the Eight Beatitudes

LESSON 27 —First Commandment

LESSON 28 —Second Commandment

LESSON 29 —Third Commandment

LESSON 30—Fourth Commandment

LESSON 31 —Fifth Commandment

LESSON 32 —Sixth and Ninth Commandments

LESSON 33 —Seventh and Tenth Commandments

LESSON 34 —Eighth Commandment

LESSON 35 —The Necessity of Prayer

LESSON 36 —How To Live The Lord's Prayer